Please fill the information in each step to submit your registration application. Fields having * sign are mandatory.

Blue Color Represents Current Active Step.    Green Color Represents Done Step.    Grey Color Represents Pending Step.   

Student`s Personal Information

Picture should be less than 200kb.

Picture should be in size: Height 180px, Width 140px.

Picture should be only in .jpg format.

In dd-mm-yyyy (eg: 24-03-1998)
Permanent Address:
Correspondence Address:

If you are already enrolled to the Panjab University, fill the information below:

If your brother/sister currently enrolled in this institution, Click on Add Sibling

Signature image should be less than 200kb.

Signature image should be in size: Height 60px, Width 160px.

Signature image should be only in .jpg format.

It must be on plain white paper in blue / black pen only.

If admitted, these signatures will be sent to the University and printed on important documents. Anyone uploading invalid signatures will him/herself be responsible.